Taiwan Lit and the Global Sinosphere

Essays 文章

Taiwan Lit aims to provide an alternative publishing venue that underscores timeliness and immediacy. This section accepts all varieties of scholarly writing or multimedia presentation, including those not conforming to the restrictive practices of established print journals: work-in-progress that would potentially benefit from peer input or critique; reworkings of lectures or conference presentations; recasting of ideas that have branched off from a larger project; reevaluations of one’s own previously published arguments or propositions; and last but not least, rejoinders to the work of other contributors.

Taiwan Lit 旨在提供一個有別於傳統規格、注重即時性和當下感的出版平台。本欄接受以文字或多媒體呈現的各種學術作品,不受既有紙本期刊慣例的限制;可包含目前尚在進行中但期待獲得同儕點評意見的研究計畫、已具有相當完成度的演講稿或會議論文、衍生於大型主題專著但需另闢蹊徑獨立開展的想法、或針對個人過去發表論點的重估或修正。此外,我們格外期盼收到對本刊已發表作品的回應或討論。

To build a lively intellectual forum, we especially welcome short essays—think pieces, position papers, or scholarly notes—that may inspire discussion, explore new research directions, or perform methodological or institutional self-reflection.




    Volume 4, Issue 2

    Fall 2023


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    Volume 3, Issue 2

    Fall 2022

    Transpacific Housewives and Model Minorities in the Capitalist World-System

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    Volume 3, Issue 1

    Spring 2022


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    Volume 2, Issue 1

    Spring 2021

    Get Out of the Village: Watching The Prisoner with Chinese Subtitles in Juancun

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    Millennial Writers and the Taiwanese Literary Tradition

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    Volume 1, Issue 2

    Fall 2020


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    The Narratable Self: Taiwan Literature and Watakushi Novels

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    On Taiwan Literature Studies and Self-reflection

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    Mainlander Writings in Taiwan Literature: Predicaments and Potential

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    Performing Emotions in Lyrical Essays

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    Volume 1, Issue 1

    Spring 2020


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