Taiwan Lit and the Global Sinosphere

About 關於

Taiwan Lit, launched in 2020 and published by the Center for Taiwan Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, is an online journal aimed at enhancing the burgeoning field of Taiwanese literary and cultural studies. The journal’s dual objectives are to provide a high-quality, peer-reviewed research publication platform and cultivate a dynamic critical forum for intellectual exchanges across geographical boundaries. Submissions are welcome in both English and Chinese.

Taiwan Lit 創刊於 2020 年,由美國德州大學(奧斯汀)台灣研究中心出版,是一個旨在推展「台灣文學與文化研究」這個新興學術領域的電子期刊。我們的首要目標在於提供一個高品質的研究成果發表平台,採匿名審查制。同時,本刊也致力於打造一個超越既有地域區隔的知識交流論壇。英文或中文稿件皆在歡迎之列。

ISSN: 2994-6816

Research Publications

Articles 學術論文

This section publishes full-length, original research articles that are over 6000-7000 words in length. For footnotes and bibliography, the MLA style is preferred. Please also attach an abstract of approximately 200 words. All submissions will undergo an anonymous peer review process, and the results will be communicated in a timely fashion.


Special Issues 專輯特刊

Since 2024, spearheaded by newly appointed Executive Editor Chia-rong Wu, Taiwan Lit has launched an extended Special Issues project. It features annually published, quest-edited Special Issues curated to illuminate or critique special topics of interest from different perspectives. Invited guest editors will write an introductory essay, reach out to peers for contributions, and take care of copyright issues, if applicable.

自2024年起,在新任執行編輯吳家榮教授的推動下,Taiwan Lit 開始實施一項長期規劃,每年由界內學者客座執編,出版一本採匿名審查制的專輯特刊。「Taiwan Lit 專輯」的策劃方針在於從不同角度對特定議題進行闡發及評議。特約客座主編將負責撰寫引言、徵募蒐集稿件、並處理可能涉及之版權事宜。

Critical Forums

Essays 文章

Taiwan Lit aims to provide an alternative publishing venue that underscores timeliness and immediacy. This section accepts all varieties of scholarly writing or multimedia presentation, including those not conforming to the restrictive practices of established print journals: work-in-progress that would potentially benefit from peer input or critique; reworkings of lectures or conference presentations; recasting of ideas that have branched off from a more extensive project; reevaluations of one’s own previously published arguments or propositions; and last but not least, rejoinders to the work of other contributors.

To build a lively intellectual forum, we especially welcome short essays—think pieces, position papers, or scholarly notes—that may inspire discussion, explore new research directions, or perform methodological or institutional self-reflection.

Taiwan Lit 旨在提供一個有別於傳統規格、注重即時性和當下感的出版平台。本欄接受以文字或多媒體呈現的各種學術作品,不受既有紙本期刊慣例的限制;可包含目前尚在進行中但期待獲得同儕點評意見的研究計畫、已具有相當完成度的演講稿或會議論文、衍生於大型主題專著但需另闢蹊徑獨立開展的想法、或針對個人過去發表論點的重估或修正。此外,我們格外期盼收到對本刊已發表作品的回應或討論。


Reviews 評介

One of the main objectives of creating the Taiwan Lit platform is to reduce the information gap between scholars residing in different regions of the world. In addition to book reviews in the conventional sense, this section invites less formal, more personal commentaries on new and old scholarly works published in the field, as well as critical theoretical writings relevant to the study of Taiwan literature and culture.

創立 Taiwan Lit 這個平台的原始目標之一,在於試圖縮短散佈世界各地區的學者們有關資訊的獲得與更新上常見的時差。本欄除了傳統意義上的正規書評之外,也歡迎不拘形式、以領域內出版的新舊論文或與人文思考相關的理論著作為對象的評介或摘述。

Reports 報導

This section will post reports or summaries on conferences, workshops, and lectures related to Taiwanese literary and cultural studies. We seek submissions that contribute to any aspect of the subject using diverse formats. Proposals or abstracts for academic projects, conferences and workshops, invited lecture series, etc., are welcome.


Translations 翻譯

The section includes translated works of Taiwan literature, as well as commentaries on issues related to translation. It seeks to better address the research needs of an English-speaking audience interested in Taiwan literature. We invite English-language translations of Taiwan literature from any period. All literary forms are also welcome.



Contributors 作者簡介

You may access a contributor’s bio in this section through the navigation panel or by clicking on the author’s name at the top of the posts.


Archive 檔案室

The Archive stores our past newsletters. You can view the contents of all the back issues by clicking on the enclosed table of contents.


Resources 參考資訊

This section aims to provide valuable resources for Taiwanese literary and cultural studies community members. While we strive for accuracy and timeliness, there may be inadvertent omissions or errors. We rely on the readers' expertise to help us improve the section. Please consider sending us relevant information and further suggestions.



Please email your submissions to Rebecca Lee at rnlee@utexas.edu, with a copy to Jessica Fan at jessicafan@utexas.edu or Yvonne Chang at yvonne@austin.utexas.edu. We especially welcome proposals for Special Issues; please email them to Chia-rong Wu at chiarong.wu@canterbury.ac.nz.

來稿請以電子郵件夾帶附檔,寄送給編輯助理李寧 (Rebecca Lee rnlee@utexas.edu) 並副本發送范思婕 (Jessica Fan jessicafan@utexas.edu) or 張誦聖 (Yvonne Chang yvonne@austin.utexas.edu). 我們尤其歡迎有關專輯的提案;請將其寄送給吳家榮 (Chia-rong Wu chiarong.wu@canterbury.ac.nz)。

Accepted submissions are to be posted on a rolling basis. Essays and reviews posted between January 1 and June 30 will be classified under the “Spring Issue” and those between July 1 and December 31 under the “Fall Issue.”


united nations covid-19 response

Editor-in-Chief 總編輯

Sung-sheng Yvonne Chang 張誦聖 (University of Texas at Austin, USA)

Board of Executive Editors 執行編輯

Dingru Huang 黃丁如 (Tufts University, USA)

Wen-chi Li 利文祺 (University of Oxford, UK)

Tze-lan Sang 桑梓蘭 (Michigan State University, USA)

E.K. Tan 陳榮強 (Stony Brook University, USA)

Nicolai Martin Volland 傅朗 (Penn State University, USA)

Chialan Sharon Wang 王嘉蘭 (Middlebury University, USA)

Chia-rong Wu 吳家榮 (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)

Managing Editor for Special Issues 專輯執行編輯

Chia-rong Wu 吳家榮 (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)

Editorial Assistants 編輯助理

Jessica Ssu-chieh Fan 范思婕 (University of Texas at Austin, USA)

Rebecca Ning Lee 李寧 (University of Texas at Austin, USA)

Advisory Board 編輯顧問

North America (*alphabetically ordered by surname)

Christopher Lupke (University of Alberta, Canada)

Jason McGrath (University of Minnesota, USA)

Carlos Rojas (Duke University, USA)


Margaret Hillenbrand (University of Oxford, UK)


Chia-rong Wu (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)

Taiwan (*alphabetically ordered by surname)

Kuei-fen Chiu 邱貴芬 (National Chung Hsing University 國立中興大學)

Ming-ju Fan 范銘如 (National Chengchi University 國立政治大學)

Yu-lin Lee 李育霖 (Academia Sinica 中央研究院)

Chia-Ling Mei 梅家玲 (National Taiwan University 國立台灣大學)


Guoqing Zheng 郑国庆 (Xiamen University, China)


Yomota (Tarumi) Chie 垂水千惠 (Yokohama National University 横浜国立大学)

South Korea

Jiwoon Baik 白池雲 (Seoul National University 首爾大學)

Open Access Policy

Taiwan Lit and the Global Sinosphere is an open-access journal that ensures free and immediate access to its content. This approach supports the dissemination of research on Taiwanese literary and cultural studies globally. All articles, essays, and multimedia presentations are accessible without subscription or payment.

Aims and Scope

Taiwan Lit and the Global Sinosphere focuses on advancing the burgeoning field of Taiwanese literary and cultural studies. The journal offers a platform for high-quality, peer-reviewed research and fosters intellectual exchange beyond geographical boundaries. Submissions are welcomed in English and Chinese and encompass a variety of formats, including original research articles, essays, critical reviews, reports, and translations of Taiwanese literature.

Instructions for Authors

Submission Language: English or Chinese

Article Length: Research articles should be 6,000–7,000 words or more; essays and reviews may vary in length.

Citation Style: MLA style for footnotes and bibliography.

Abstract: Provide a 200-word abstract for research articles.

Submission Method: Email submissions to the editorial team.

Formats Accepted: Original research, essays, translations, critical reviews, and reports.

Send proposals for Special Issues to the Managing Editor for Special Issues, Chia-rong Wu.

Editorial Process (Peer Review)

Taiwan Lit and the Global Sinosphere adopts an anonymous peer-review process to ensure standard evaluation of submissions. All submitted manuscripts undergo a thorough peer review, and authors are notified of the results in a timely manner. Special Issues involve guest editors who facilitate the peer review of curated contributions.

Licensing Terms

All articles and content published in Taiwan Lit and the Global Sinosphere are licensed under a Creative Commons license, which allowing free distribution and reproduction with proper attribution to the authors and the journal.

Copyright Terms

Authors retain the copyright of their work published in Taiwan Lit and the Global Sinosphere. The journal reserves the right to distribute the content under its open-access policy, ensuring accessibility to a broad audience while upholding academic integrity.

Author Charges

Taiwan Lit and the Global Sinosphere does not charge authors any fees for submission, processing, or publication of their work. The journal is supported by the Taiwan Studies Project at the University of Texas at Austin, sponsored by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan.

Publisher Information

Taiwan Lit and the Global Sinosphere is published by the Center for Taiwan Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, USA. The journal is supported by the Taiwan Studies Project in the Department of Asian Studies at the university, generously sponsored by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

**This site is made possible through the generosity of the Taiwan Studies Project in the Department of Asian Studies at The University of Texas at Austin, sponsored by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (Taiwan).


