“Come Let Me Teach You How to Love”: An Interview with Ko-hua Chen
Wen-chi Li is a PhD student at the University of Zurich, after receiving his MSc by Research in Chinese Studies and MSc degree in General and Comparative Literature at the University of Edinburgh. Li and Colin Bramwell’s translation has been published in Hawk of the Mind: Collected Poems Yang Mu (Columbia University Press). They also win first prize in the 2018 John Dryden Translation Competition. In Taiwan, Li has published few poetry collections as well as coedited the book Under the Same Roof: A Poetry Anthology for LGBT. He is also one of the managers of the Facebook page “Read a Poem for You Every Day”— a page with 130,000 subscribers.
利文祺,愛丁堡大學比較文學碩士以及漢學碩士。目前就讀於蘇黎世大學漢學所博士班。專攻楊牧文學與台灣詩。與Colin Bramwell參與哥倫比亞大學出版社的楊牧譯本《心之鷹》,並以楊牧翻譯贏得二零一八年英國比較學會的John Dryden翻譯首獎。著有詩集《文學騎士》、《哲學騎士》。與黃岡、神神編有《同在一個屋簷下:同志詩選》。目前為臉書「每天為你讀一首詩」編輯。