Taiwan Lit and the Global Sinosphere


Colin Bramwell

Colin Bramwell completed undergraduate and master degrees at the universities of Edinburgh and Oxford, and is the recipient of the Ewan and Christine Brown PhD Scholarship at the University of St Andrews, where he is currently based as a graduate researcher. His PhD involves translating work from a number of languages, including Chinese, into Scots, one of the native languages of Scotland: he is also researching translation as a poetic act. Outside of academia, he works as a poet and performer in Scotland: his first collection of poetry was shortlisted for the 2020 Edwin Morgan Prize for Scottish poets under thirty, receiving the prestigious runner-up spot in this competition.

Colin Bramwell,愛丁堡大學英文學士與牛津大學英文碩士,並獲得Ewan and Christine Brown獎學金而在讀聖安德魯斯大學攻讀博士學位。學術領域包含翻譯中文作品至蘇格蘭語,並研究「翻譯」作為「詩意之行為」。Bramwell亦是詩人和劇場演員,首本詩集於二零二零年入圍以蘇格蘭年輕詩人為主的Edwin Morgan Prize,並獲得二獎。


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