Towards Sinophone Poetics: Andrew Huang and his Musical Poetry
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One of the main objectives of creating the Taiwan Lit platform is to reduce the information gap between scholars residing in different regions of the world. In addition to book reviews in the conventional sense, this section invites less formal, more personal commentaries on new and old scholarly works published in the field, as well as critical theoretical writings relevant to the study of Taiwan literature and culture.
創立 Taiwan Lit 這個平台的原始目標之一,在於試圖縮短散佈世界各地區的學者們有關資訊的獲得與更新上常見的時差。本欄除了傳統意義上的正規書評之外,也歡迎不拘形式、以領域內出版的新舊論文或與人文思考相關的理論著作為對象的評介或摘述。
We invite submissions in either English or Chinese with no fixed length requirements.